T&B Walk for Childhood Cancer Heroes
T&B Walk for Childhood Cancer Heroes
Rain or Shine - May 10, 2014 10am
Registration starting at 9:00
Location: Cooper River Park Stadium in Pennsauken, NJ
Directions to the boathouse:
(there is a parking lot next to the stadium where people can park & the stadium is to the left of the boathouse if you're looking at the river before the Lobster Trap Restaurant)
The walk will be on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 10:00 am at Cooper River Park Stadium in Pennsauken, NJ. Registration will begin at 9:00 am. We would love for all our family and friends to participate in the walk with us any way they can, whether it’s walking alongside us, contributing through a monetary gift, or just simply and as importantly, sending their thoughts and prayers to Tyler, Brayden, and all the other children battling cancer. The attached letter has a tear off section that you can send back to us to let us know how you are willing to help out. If you plan on walking, please visit our website (coming in April) and fill out a registration form, which will also be available at the walk. Thank you for joining T&B Foundation to fight childhood cancer!
We began T&B Foundation with Patient Pouches in mind. Both Tyler and Brayden were treated at Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia. The surgical center where they would go for their EUAs (exams under anesthesia) was aimed at adults with a very limited selection of toys for kids. We knew that we wanted to somehow provide young cancer patients a distraction from all the waiting and give them something fun to do.
Included in the Patient Pouches are lots of fun activities aimed at all different age ranges. Patient Pouches are intended to be used only at appointments that the children may have, whether they’re receiving chemo, going into surgery, or just sitting in the waiting room. Having a special Patient Pouch filled with fun activities for them to play with only when they’re at appointments will help the time pass by and make the toys extra special.
Along with monetary donations, we will also be collecting items off our Wish List at the walk. You can find the wish list on the attached letter for you to take a look at. All donations can either be mailed to us or dropped off at the walk.
Additionally, we will be collecting can tabs at the walk. We can turn the can tabs in at a local recycling place for a monetary donation to T&B. Set up a jug at your house, school, work, etc. and start collecting can tabs for T&B Foundation today!
We will be purchasing T-shirts to sell for the walk at $10.00 a piece; please indicate size on the attached tear off portion or email the sizes to us if you would like one by April 15 to ensure proper ordering.
We’ll be having a small raffle at the walk. So if you would like to donate any items for the raffle that would be great, just let us know! And don’t forget to bring some extra cash to purchase your tickets!
Rain or Shine - May 10, 2014 10am
Registration starting at 9:00
Location: Cooper River Park Stadium in Pennsauken, NJ
Directions to the boathouse:
(there is a parking lot next to the stadium where people can park & the stadium is to the left of the boathouse if you're looking at the river before the Lobster Trap Restaurant)
The walk will be on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 10:00 am at Cooper River Park Stadium in Pennsauken, NJ. Registration will begin at 9:00 am. We would love for all our family and friends to participate in the walk with us any way they can, whether it’s walking alongside us, contributing through a monetary gift, or just simply and as importantly, sending their thoughts and prayers to Tyler, Brayden, and all the other children battling cancer. The attached letter has a tear off section that you can send back to us to let us know how you are willing to help out. If you plan on walking, please visit our website (coming in April) and fill out a registration form, which will also be available at the walk. Thank you for joining T&B Foundation to fight childhood cancer!
We began T&B Foundation with Patient Pouches in mind. Both Tyler and Brayden were treated at Wills Eye Institute in Philadelphia. The surgical center where they would go for their EUAs (exams under anesthesia) was aimed at adults with a very limited selection of toys for kids. We knew that we wanted to somehow provide young cancer patients a distraction from all the waiting and give them something fun to do.
Included in the Patient Pouches are lots of fun activities aimed at all different age ranges. Patient Pouches are intended to be used only at appointments that the children may have, whether they’re receiving chemo, going into surgery, or just sitting in the waiting room. Having a special Patient Pouch filled with fun activities for them to play with only when they’re at appointments will help the time pass by and make the toys extra special.
Along with monetary donations, we will also be collecting items off our Wish List at the walk. You can find the wish list on the attached letter for you to take a look at. All donations can either be mailed to us or dropped off at the walk.
Additionally, we will be collecting can tabs at the walk. We can turn the can tabs in at a local recycling place for a monetary donation to T&B. Set up a jug at your house, school, work, etc. and start collecting can tabs for T&B Foundation today!
We will be purchasing T-shirts to sell for the walk at $10.00 a piece; please indicate size on the attached tear off portion or email the sizes to us if you would like one by April 15 to ensure proper ordering.
We’ll be having a small raffle at the walk. So if you would like to donate any items for the raffle that would be great, just let us know! And don’t forget to bring some extra cash to purchase your tickets!